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Part of the series of in-house tests we perform on our buckles before incorporating into our harnesses.
The video illustrates one of the safety checks we perform to insure that buckles are airworthy, reliable and fault-free: 1. Each buckle is loaded to 50kg. (approx. chest strap realistic load) and then shaken and moved in order to try to force an accidental release. This is to simulate the fault which is now appearing on the Finsterwalder buckles. 2. The same procedure done but with one of the push buttons pressed to simulate a situation in reality where one push button was not completely secured or the pilot accidently pressed on with his body movement. The quick lock buckle should lock safely even if only one push button is pressed.
General Advice: • As a regular practice, we would like to instruct all pilots to continue to pay attention to their preflight tests, as described in the manual for all your flying equipment. In addition: • Make sure buckles are firmly secured and that both push pins have jumped back into place after closing them. • We recommend that pilots periodically perform a similar test to what is illustrated in the video, manually, on each of the buckles — this is to make sure that no accidental opening can happen and to build confidence in the equipment. We would like to refresh our recommendation for harness shelf life — 10 years — this is to prevent safety issues arising from general wear and tear of daily use.
Подписаться на наш канал: goo.gl/Fgbaw2
Узнать больше про аэрошюты на нашем сайте: airsport.ru
Интересное видео про аэрошюты:
Первые в мире полёты аэрошютов в Антарктиде!: www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxS9uDL5S_U
Аэрошют своими руками — аэрошют ФЕЛИКС: www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_mUQhi0Gmw
Полеты аэрошюта над Эльбрусом: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhCE6AUsGqY
Аэрошют СТЕЛС (Stealth): www.youtube.com/watch?v=piSoYhYdvRI
Аэрошют АСТРА: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeWSB1DW7BY
Цикл фильмов про Российский север ТУНДРА: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVnEz8EQDAE
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