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APCO Twister — this is a wing you certainly remember. It was one of the pioneers on the ACRO scene and definitely one of the most desirable wings.
Many ACRO pilots fell instantly in love with Twister. The world's best pilots were flying Twisters — numerous new ACRO manuevers became possible due to the exceptional characteristics of Twister.
Apco is now launching a new generation of Twister 18 — It was a difficult challenge to make the new wing better than the original Twister.
Now we are proud to report our results — TWISTER 18 MKII is born
It is a refined, further improved version of Twister
Dressed in the same striking, eye-catching color design — Twister 18 MKII draws the attention of pilots and the crowd
We are certain it will catch your eye too
Keeping all the virtues of Twister, it now also features
· Improved Infinity tumbling
· More stable helico with less twist tendency
· Smoother G forces
· Higher energy wing
· Latest evolution of Flexon™ battens design
· HIT Valves ®
· Bridged solid L\E
APCO Aviation and its representatives DISCLAIM ANY RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY for injuries or damages resulting from these types of manuvers.
Подписаться на наш канал: goo.gl/Fgbaw2
Узнать больше про аэрошюты на нашем сайте: airsport.ru
Интересное видео про аэрошюты:
Первые в мире полёты аэрошютов в Антарктиде!: www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxS9uDL5S_U
Аэрошют своими руками — аэрошют ФЕЛИКС: www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_mUQhi0Gmw
Полеты аэрошюта над Эльбрусом: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhCE6AUsGqY
Аэрошют СТЕЛС (Stealth): www.youtube.com/watch?v=piSoYhYdvRI
Аэрошют АСТРА: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeWSB1DW7BY
Цикл фильмов про Российский север ТУНДРА: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVnEz8EQDAE
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